
DSC Gallery - Heavy Weights
In collaboration with SIN Studio Gallery, DSC Gallery will present artists Arik Levy, Milan Knížák, Rony Plesl, Krištof Kintera, Jan Kovářík, Ondrash & Kašpárek, Pasta Oner and Richard Štipl. SIN...
DSC Gallery - Heavy Weights
In collaboration with SIN Studio Gallery, DSC Gallery will present artists Arik Levy, Milan Knížák, Rony Plesl, Krištof Kintera, Jan Kovářík, Ondrash & Kašpárek, Pasta Oner and Richard Štipl. SIN...

"Together with the artistic duo Ondrash&Kašpárek, we have prepared a summer POP-UP for contemporary art enthusiasts, where the artists will present a selection of their latest works. The works will...
"Together with the artistic duo Ondrash&Kašpárek, we have prepared a summer POP-UP for contemporary art enthusiasts, where the artists will present a selection of their latest works. The works will...

Festka Scalatore & Festka #1
Auction for the non-profit organization Centrum Paraple89th auction at Gallery KODL, catalogue number 11 A totally unique image and bicycle, resulting from the collaboration of the Czech manufacturer of high-end carbon...
Festka Scalatore & Festka #1
Auction for the non-profit organization Centrum Paraple89th auction at Gallery KODL, catalogue number 11 A totally unique image and bicycle, resulting from the collaboration of the Czech manufacturer of high-end carbon...

Repromeda Brno
Minulý týden proběhla vernisáž k prostorách Brněnské kliniky @repromeda, které moc děkujeme za příjemný večer. 🙏🏻🥳V rámci večera se i dražil náš kulatý obraz "Circle helps vol. 01", který klinika vydražila...
Repromeda Brno
Minulý týden proběhla vernisáž k prostorách Brněnské kliniky @repromeda, které moc děkujeme za příjemný večer. 🙏🏻🥳V rámci večera se i dražil náš kulatý obraz "Circle helps vol. 01", který klinika vydražila...

We're part of the 88th Art Auction by Galerie KODL
"Growing" is part of the 88th auction of the KODL Gallery, a Prague's a renowned auction, sales and exhibition hall based on more than a hundred years of family collecting tradition, which will...
We're part of the 88th Art Auction by Galerie KODL
"Growing" is part of the 88th auction of the KODL Gallery, a Prague's a renowned auction, sales and exhibition hall based on more than a hundred years of family collecting tradition, which will...